Web/Mobile App./Resources development

Currently based in France and before in Canada, with more than 24 years of experience, we develop and manage for our clients, collaborators and partners located on two continents, a complete panel of Web solutions, graphic and multimedia products.

Developing a website or a Web/Mobile App.... should no longer be seen as a voodoo magic.


The Art and Earth Networks and Technology digital agency as well as the Graphic&Development studio Piccini da Todi offer their various clienteles, products and services encompassing the business sectors of visual identity, Web and multimedia solutions, creation/Management of editorial content, development and proactive management of technical and strategic resources.

From a basic resources library accessible 24 hours a day, to a complete solution such as a Premium package, including various types of support, each company, institution or liberal profession is thus able to find ITS solutions.

"Keeping it simple is a professional matter."

Art and Earth TM
Networks and Technology

Diego Piccini (da Todi)
Full Stack Programmer/Developer

(back end/Front end, Web/Object) 
Lead Developer - Lead Designer - Content Manager

Registered Company in France and Canada

SIREN : 411 389 216 - SIRET : 411 329 216 00028 (France)
Inc. : 661515-5 (Canada, Qc.)


⇒ Email

By appointment only (possibly in)...

Nice, France - Europe
Paris, France - Europe
Monaco - Europe
Firenze, Italia - Europe
London, UK - Europe
Montréal, Qc - Canada
NYC, New York - USA